Hanshi Jason David Frank is an accomplished 8th degree black belt and an internationally recognized figure in the world of martial arts. His personal martial arts success story begins in 1978. At the age of 4, he began training at Red Dragon Karate under Shihan Louis D. Casamassa. This laid the foundation for his entire future. There, he learned the Codes of the Dragon, which he continues to pass down to his students today.
Kyoshi Frank earned his first degree black belt at the age of 12. After receiving his first black belt, he began instructing for Red Dragon. The training he continued to receive and the knowledge he gained from instructing others prepared him for the next step in his life. This step came at the age of 18 when he became owner of his own Red Dragon Karate, the same dojo he started at 14 years earlier.
At the age of 19, Hanshi Frank was cast in one of the most popular children’s television series to be broadcasted: “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.” During his 12-year run as “Tommy Oliver”, he starred in 4 seasons: “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers”, “Power Rangers Turbo”, “Power Rangers Zeo”, and “Power Rangers Dino Thunder.” Along with this came two feature films: “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” and “Power Rangers Turbo.” More recently, Kyoshi Frank guest starred in the new series, “Power Rangers Super MegaForce.” Hanshi Frank is the longest running ranger in the series and to this day maintains a fan base that stretches around the world.
During his time filming the “Power Rangers” television series and the two “Power Rangers” movies, Hanshi Frank began to look at the different styles of martial arts. During his study of the styles he came to the conclusion that there was not a determinate single style that was the definitive martial arts. In 1994 he created his own system called “Toso Kune Do.” The literal translation of the system is “Way of the Fighting Fist.” There are many different aspects of martial arts incorporated into Toso Kune Do.
In October of 1996, Hanshi was introduced to another successful martial artist who would become a lifelong friend: Shihan Rick Herbster, who was the owner of Rising Sun Karate Academy, a school located in New Jersey. After a visit to the school in May of 1997, RSKA Corp. was established.
Hanshi Frank has trained with top martial artists of the world. This list is long and prestigious and includes names such as ShiHan Louis D. Casamassa, Sensei Chris Casamassa, Kyoshi Rick Herbster, Kyoshi Steve la Valle, Benny “The Jet” Urquidez, Stan Ward, and most recently with world-renowned Muay Thai trainer Grand Master Toddy. Hanshi Frank has received his Masters Arjan under Grand Master Toddy in the Thailand government.
Not only has Hanshi Frank trained with top martial artists, he has also been inducted into the Black Belt Hall of Fame and been awarded various awards for his excellence in Martial Arts, in 2013, Kyoshi Frank also became a Guinness World Record Holder. In January 2013, he broke 7 1-inch pine boards in freefall breaking a previous record of two pine boards broken. Hanshi incorporates martial arts into his everyday living.
Hanshi Frank has dedicated his life to the martial arts. Through the martial arts he has known the best things in his life and knows the impact that it can have on people’s lives. The desire of his heart is not only to continue to learn and grow in the art that has given him so much, but to share this with the world around him, so that they too may realize what martial arts is all about and what it can do for them.