How Did TrainMeJDF Start?

Inspired by his first virtual training student, whom he trained via Skype, Hanshi Jason David Frank decided to launch in honor and memory of this student, who unfortunately, is not with us anymore. After being frequently asked by fans all around the world to train them, Hanshi Frank has taken the initiative to reach out to students all over the world through this program.

“I love karate so much. I’ve been doing it my whole entire life… Rising Sun Karate is the name of my dojo and in it we will be learning the martial arts form I founded, Toso Kune Do. I was inspired by the fans to get something started, since people ask me all the time. I am going to start the first online training course.”

What Do You Plan To Teach?

We will be teaching Toso Kune Do. Our curriculum includes boxing moves, judo moves, weapons, basic self-defense techniques, and much more.

Through Toso Kune Do, we practice the Codes of the Dragon: Brotherhood, Dedication, Respect, Cooperation, Discipline, Confidence, Attitude, and Self-Respect.

Although many students have previous martial arts training, this will serve as a supplemental tool to improve your skills.

We encourage all students to bring a friend to train alongside you.

What Is Toso Kune Do?

Toso Kune Do is an American Martial Arts system and follows the concepts of many of the American Martial Arts Masters such as Bruce Lee, Ed Parker and the like who blended many martial art techniques. The Toso Kune Do system incorporates an entire arsenal of dynamic kicks, elusive hand techniques and powerful restraining holds, combining a mixture of philosophies and disciplines from multiple styles of Martial Arts around the world into its curriculum.

Toso Kune Do provides lessons that can be applied to everyday life. How you deal with people and situations in life. How you carry and position yourself for success. It is a way, through experiencing martial arts, of being positive and motivated to improve one’s own life.

The Toso Kune Do system exposes individuals to a solid base from which the individual can effectively pursue their own path to martial arts excellence. This is done by presenting a breadth of philosophies, concepts and techniques with enough depth to inspire the most effective and direct paths to personal success.
The variety within the curriculum keeps the individual’s pursuit interesting and motivated. Also having an appreciation and understanding of other cultures fosters respect and harmony to society and can enrich one’s own life experiences. It also has various concepts and disciplines to seek truth in self expression. Toso Kune Do is not unique in the sense that it also is an open system of techniques and concepts respecting and appreciating all martial art forms in order to provide guidance and perspective to self discovery in the martial arts. Seeking universal truths that transcend style and culture and gravitate towards absolute truths and understanding. Even transcending martial arts itself and existing in all facets of life.

Although the literal translation is “The way of the fighting fist”, the name represents more than just fighting. It represents the never ending journey and continual struggle for personal excellence.

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Do I need to practice martial arts to join

No. This program will be for beginners and for those who already train. You will be ranked through the Toso Kune Do martial arts system.

You can earn up to the level of green belt. Click Here to see belt ranking.

Contact Master Sprague for obtaining a Black Belt ranking: [email protected]

If I already train, do I need to start over?

TrainmeJDF is a supplement to all levels of Martial Arts. Even the highest ranking Black Belts are still students of the Arts, you can never stop learning. Current rank and success will never be taken away, we are here to add to your credentials. The curriculum in place is to increase application and understanding of all Martial Arts moves. Students will receive specialty certification in the style of TOSO KUNE DO as you progress.

You can earn up to the level of green belt. Click Here to see belt ranking.

What if I am a black belt in another martial arts system, will I have a black belt ranking?

No. If you are already a black belt in another martial arts system, you will start over in our system. In martial arts, many martial artists are well versed in many systems; however, you may train without being ranked in our system.

When do I view classes?

Classes will be posted every Monday and a second refresher course will posted on Wednesday. You will have until the following Monday to view the classes before it is removed from the library. All class videos will be removed weekly.

We encourage all students to record their classes so that they can review on their own.

What happens if I miss a class?

The belt ranking system below determines how many classes you must take in order to move up in rank. If you miss a class, you will be able to still learn the necessary material in the next class.

Will Kyoshi Jason David Frank be teaching all of the classes?

Hanshi Jason David Frank will be leading all classes, but there will also be classes taught by our highly trained instructors.

How do I get ranked?

To view our belt ranking system please Click Here. Each member must meet the class requirements of each belt rank.

Rank Evaluations will require an extensive knowledge of all classes that are posted during your membership. Make notes on all classes and continue to practice the techniques to attain the skill.

How do I receive my next rank?

Each member must meet the belt ranking requirements as stated above. Once the member has met the need requirements, they can submit a video and application to move to the next rank. Through our program we will be able to monitor your class attendance and once your application has been submit an instructor will determine if you can move to the next rank. Only the registered student on the account will qualify for rank advancement.

Rank Evaluations will require an extensive knowledge of all classes that are posted during your membership. Make notes on all classes and continue to practice the techniques to attain the skill.

If you would like to advance in rank, please Click Here

Will all classes be recorded and available to members?

Unfortunately, after a class is done it will eventually be deleted from our database. We do encourage all our members to screen record each lesson.

Will Train Me JDF be easy or difficult?

It’s up to the individual to decide. We suggest entering with an open mind. Some moves may be easy to accomplish but there is always more to learn. Each move has an explanation behind it and you will continue to sharpen your technique, form & style through this program.

What can I achieve long-term with Train Me JDF

“The best Black Belt is the white belt who never quit.” Our goals for our students is to build habits for fitness and training for a great life. We encourage everyone to continue training through the ranks and one day hold a Black Belt in the style of Toso Kune Do.

Can students get certified in what they learn?

Yes. You can achieve these belts: White, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Purple & Green which is the first internationally recognized rank. This is not a program for reaching Black Belt status.

Students will receive certification by submitting a video which will be reviewed by our instructors. You will receive a certificate signed by the TrainMeJDF staff upon achieving the next level.

Do I need a partner to train?

We encourage you to find a friend to train with so you can motivate each other. However, you can do this on your own.

Can children join TrainMeJDF?

Yes. This is geared towards kids and adults. It is inspiring to watch kids enjoy something they love and we encourage parents to join! One membership covers the entire family. This is not only a great tool for learning great values, it is a great way to practice martial arts and spend quality time with your family.

Should I practice regularly?

Yes. Our staff is highly trained to evaluate and we expect all students to practice our curriculum in order to achieve the next rank.

Should I train outside of TrainMeJDF?

Yes, as long as your instructor understands this program is a supplemental tool. We are committed to giving you a separate set of tools and techniques to compliment your current training.

How important is a diet while training?

Diet is important for energy. It is a constant reminder of discipline and will only benefit your training.